Test Code VAGPCR Vaginal PCR Panel
Specimen Requirements
Container/Tube: BD Molecular Swab Collection Kit
Collection Instructions: Collect specimen as follows:
- Do not use lubricant.
- Gently slide the swab 2 inches (5cm) into the vagina.
- Rotate the swab for 10 to 15 seconds
- Withdraw the swab without touching the skin outside the vagina
- Insert the swab into the transfer tube so that the tip is at the bottom
- Carefully break the shaft at the score mark.
- Tightly re-cap the tube.
- Label tube with patient information. Be careful not to cover the barcodes on the tube.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Performing Laboratory
The Valley Hospital
Rapid detection of vaginal pathogens included
Bacterial Vaginosis
Trichomonas vaginalis
Candida group
Candida glabrata
Candida krusei