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Test Code PR148/84234 RAST NE #1 Profile

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Type: Serum


Preferred: Serum gel

Acceptable: Red top

Specimen Volume: 0.5 mL

Specimen Minimum Volume: For 1 allergen: 0.3 mL/For more than 1 allergen: (0.05 mL x number of allergens) + 0.25 mL deadspace


Reject Due To:

Hemolysis: Mild OK; Gross OK

Lipemia: Mild OK; Gross OK

Icterus: NA

Other: NA

Specimen Transport Temperature

Refrigerated (preferred) 14 days/Frozen 14 days

Performing Laboratory

The Valley Hospital/Mayo Medical Laboratories


Profile Information:
Test IDReporting NameAvailable Separately
CEDRCedar, IgEYes
CATCat Epithelium, IgEYes
SRWShort Ragweed, IgEYes
ELMElm, IgEYes
OAKOak, IgEYes
BIRSilver Birch, IgEYes
MUCMucor, IgEYes
MUGMugwort, IgEYes
COCRCockroach, IgEYes
STEMStemphyllium, IgEYes
EGPLEnglish Plantain, IgEYes
BAHGBahia Grass, IgEYes
WHICWhite Hickory, IgEYes
RRRPRough Pigweed, IgEYes
ASHWWhite Ash, IgEYes
NETTNettle, IgEYes
SORRRed Sorrel, IgEYes
HAZHazelnut-Tree, IgEYes
MULBMulberry, IgEYes
DOGDDog Dander, IgEYes
BXMPLBox Eld/Maple, S, IgEYes
BERGBermuda Grass, IgEYes
JUNEJune Grass, IgEYes
DPHouse Dust Mites/D.P., IgEYes
DFHouse Dust Mites/D.F., IgEYes
ALTNAlternaria Tenuis, IgEYes
ASPAspergillus Fumigatus, IgEYes
CLADCladosporium, IgEYes
PENLPenicillium, IgEYes

















































Method Name:

Fluorescence Enzyme Immunoassay (FEIA)

Reference Values

Class  IgE kU/L   Interpretation
417.5-49.9Strongly positive
550.0-99.9Strongly positive
6≥100Strongly positive













Reference values apply to all ages.

Test Classification and CPT Coding

86003 x 29

Reporting Title

NE1 Profile

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Saturday