Test Code OPPCR Ova and Parasite PCR, Stool
Specimen Requirements
Container/Tube: Para-Pak® Fecal Transport System, 2-vial (1 formalin vial and 1 polyvinyl alcohol vial)
Specimen Volume: Preserved stool from a fresh-morning specimen
Collection Instructions: Specimen contaminated with urine is not acceptable. Collect specimen as follows:
1. Use attached spoon from Kit to obtain specimen from different areas of stool, especially where blood and/or mucus is observed.
2. Add enough stool to bring fluid to fill line on Para-Pak® vials.
3. Cap and mix vigorously.
Note: 1. Avoid recent antibiotics, X-ray contrast material, antidiarrheal medications, antacids, bismuth, or oil instillation.
2. Label vials with patient’s name (first and last), medical record number, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Performing Laboratory
The Valley Hospital
Test Classification and CPT Coding
Rapid detection of parasite pathogens included
Screening for Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidum (hominis and parvum), Entamoeba histolytica
Expected result: Negative