Test Code LEUKPAN Leukemia Panel (Immunophenotyping)
Specimen Requirements
Submit only 1 of the following specimens:
Specimen Type: Peripheral blood; Bone marrow aspirate
Container: Green top (Na Hep) tube and Lavender top (EDTA) tube
Specimen Volume: 2-5 ml each tube
Storage Instructions: Room temperature
Specimen Type: Fluid, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), fine needle aspirate (FNA)
Container: 15ml or 50 ml sterile tube with culture medium (RPMI)
Specimen Volume: 1ml to 15 ml
Storage Instructions: Store at 2-8C
Specimen Type: Fresh Tissue biopsy
Container: 15ml or 50 ml sterile tube with culture medium (RPMI)
Specimen Volume: A minimum of 5mm or large tissue biopsy
Storage Instructions: Store at 2-8C.
Specimen Labeling: Label all specimens with the date, time of collection, and unique patient
identifier (patient first/last name and identifier number).
Causes for Rejection: Hemolysis, specimen frozen, specimen in formalin or other fixative,
contaminated transport medium.
Performing Laboratory
The Valley Hospital
Flow Cytometry