Test Code GAS Group A Streptococcus (PCR)
Specimen Requirements
Container/Tube: Eswab transport tube
Collection Instructions: Collect specimen as follows:
1. Tilt patient’s head back to assist in opening mouth as wide as possible.
2. Depress tongue with a tongue depressor so swab does not touch oral mucosa or tongue.
3. If patient has complained of 1 spot being sore, swab that area well.
4. In 1 continuous motion:
A. Swab 1 tonsillar area up then down.
B. Move to back of throat as far down as possible, and swab there.
C. Move to other tonsillar area and swab.
D. Swab behind uvula and remove swab.
5. Place swab in sterile culture transport tube.
Note: 1. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), medical record number, and date and actual time of collection.
2. Specimen source is required.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Performing Laboratory
The Valley Hospital
Reference Values
Test Classification and CPT Coding