Test Code CUEYE Culture, Eye
Specimen Requirements
Container/Tube: Aerobic culture swab in sterile culture transport tube
Specimen Volume: Swab of conjunctival surface of eye or eye drainage
Collection Instructions: Collect specimen as follows:
1. Remove cap with swab attached and moisten swab with sterile saline.
Note: Do not use dry swab to collect eye culture.
2. Collect specimen by retracting lower lid and swab conjunctival surface or collect eye drainage.
3. Place swab in sterile culture transport tube.
Note: 1. Label tube with patient’s name (first and last), medical record number, and date and actual time of collection.
2. Specimen source is required.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Performing Laboratory
The Valley Hospital
Note: See also CUBFC “Culture, Body Fluid” or CUWCD “Culture, Wound (Deep).”
Test Classification and CPT Coding